Mednarodni projekti
Na mednarodni ravni v največji meri sodelujemo v raziskovalni mreži ENSR – European Network for SME Research, ki jo tvorijo neodvisni raziskovalni inštituti s področja podjetništva v članicah EU. Naš inštitut je predstavnik Slovenije. Mreža se je oblikovala leta 1990 zaradi izjemnega pomena malih in srednje velikih podjetij in nujnosti bolj temeljitega vpogleda v njihovo vlogo, značilnosti in delovanje. V okviru mreže smo samo v zadnjih letih sodelovali v naslednjih projektih, izvedenih za Evropsko komisijo.
Sodelovanje v mednarodnih projektih od leta 2004:
- SMEs Access to Alternative Dispute Resolution (2005-2006)
- SMEs Innotool Box (2005)
- Promoting craft and SMEs in the area of European standardisation (2004-2007)
- A study on practices and policies in the social enterprise sector in Europe (2005-2007)
- Employment Initiatives for an Ageing Workforce in the New Member States Plus Romania and Bulgaria (2005-2006)
- Benchmarking regional and national support services for SMEs in the field of intellectual and industrial property rights (2005-2007)
- A comparative study of best practices in the area of social protection for new entrepreneurs and their spouses and an analysis of the degree to which the level of social protection acts as an incentive to business creation (2005-2007)
- Innovative Actions to provide good company practice on worker mobility for SMEs and PES (2006)
- Largest EU Companies (2007)
- Skill Shortages in Regional SMEs (2007)
- Cluster policy mapping (2007)
- Overview of Family Business Relevant Issues (2007-2008)
- The Interaction Between Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (2008)
- Providing Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities in the EU – Best Practices and Financing Schemes (2007-2008)
- The economics of entrepreneurial activity and SMEs: Policy implications for the EU (2008)
- Study on non-legislative initiatives for companies to promote gender equality at the workplace (2009)
- Representativeness of business organisations for SMEs in the EU member states (2008 – 2009)
- Small business performance review, SBA Fact Sheet (2008 – 2010)
- Internationalisation of European SMEs (2009)
- Opportunities for the internationalisation of EU SMEs to third countries (2009 – 2010)
- Data collection and performance indicators to monitor the European research policy – LOT 2 (2010 – 2011)
Vključeni smo tudi v mednarodni projekt DIANA o ženskem podjetništvu, ki se je pričel izvajali leta 1999 z namenom dviganja zavesti o ženskem podjetništvu. Mednarodno sodelovanje pa vključuje tudi druge projekte v okviru različnih mednarodnih pobud:
- INTERREG III A, Sosedski program Slovenija / Madžarska / Hrvaška, Podjetniški potencial raziskovalno-razvojnih aktivnosti na univerzitetnih središčih in njihov prenos v mala in srednja podjetja (MSP) v čezmejni regiji (2004-2006)
- Leonardo da Vinci projekt: Creative trainer (2007-2009)
- Leonardo da Vinci projekt: ESIL – European sustainable innovative livence (2008-2010)
- Tempus projekt: ICES – International centre for entrepreneurial studies (2007-2009)